Erik and The Rock (section from The Åthåser Rock)
The Åthåser Rock is one of the earliest forms of writing to
be found on Whitmount. Large pieces of rock were found in 1893 by Perlita
Stewart Smits, an eminent archaeologist and Whitmountian expert. Once translated,
it revealed one of the first written accounts of the islands folk legends and
mythology. This one, Erik and The Rock,
was the first one to be fully translated, and is a moral tale on the importance
of work and of channelling ones anger into work.
In the Ancient Land, there was a lowly mason called Erik. He
was tired because his father Sigurðr, the legendary mason to the gods, had
tasked him to find the gem inside a giant rock. The rock stood on top of Dåluliy,
one of the five mountains of Slådeng, and could not be moved from its position.
For 30 days, Erik toiled at the rock, not getting anywhere near the centre of
the rock; all his instruments broke and he was forced to ask his father for
“HELP!?!” bellowed his father, “YOU WANT HELP!?!”
Erik stood back from his father, scared what would happen
“My boy, do not be frightened. I am just surprised, because
you seem to be doing so well. But if you cannot finish it, I will ask you
brother Math to do it.”
Erik immediately went back to work on the rock. Math was not
going to get his hands on the gem if he had anything to do with it. Previously,
Math had caused trouble with the gods by peeling back the sand on the ground to
have a swim in the blood of Dengduy, which caused massive disasters to happen
in the land of men.
For another 30 days, Erik toiled at the rock, until, on the
last day of moons segments, the rock cracked. Erik immediately collapsed from exhaustion,
but then was awakened by a child’s hand caressing his face. His eyes open and
he saw three children, and with them three adults.
“Who are you?” Erik asked.
“We are the people of the rock.” they replied, “We will come
to aid the person who finds us and frees us. You are now the creator of us.”
Erik enquired further. The People of the Rock were an
ancient race, forgotten by the gods until a few segments ago, when they
realised that they would be needed when the end of days came. Erik, who was
still confused, went to his father.
“Father, I did what you asked. I cracked the rock; but
instead of a gem inside, I found people, who now proclaim me as their creator. What
is happening father?”
Sigurðr sighed and replied to his son, “Do not worry my
child. The gods saw how unhappy you were with your life alone, so they set me a
task. They told me to task you to bring forth The People of the Rock. I protested
and told them that you would not do it, for you are lazy and would not be able
to bring yourself to finish the task. But the rebutted, reminding me of your hatred
for your brother Math, and how your hatred could be channelled into your work.”
“This still does not explain what I should do with these people
“My son, they say that you are their creator. So, proceed to
After this, The People of the Rock prospered in the ancient
lands, with Erik as their leader, and the segments went on.
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